Our New Chapel Location!

4721 Trousdale #215, Executive Park, Nashville, TN

Email: srfnashville@gmail.com

Directions to Chapel

Heading east on Harding Rd :

Turn Right at Trousdale Rd (the 2nd traffic light after crossing over Interstate 65 with CVS Pharmacy on the corner), then take the 1st right hand turn into The Execute Park, and follow that road all the way back to the last building on the left.

Heading west on Harding Rd :

Turn Left  at Trousdale Rd (the traffic light with CVS Pharmacy on the corner), then take the 1st right hand turn into The Execute Park, and follow that road all the way back to the last building on the left.


There is plenty of parking in back of the building. Come up the steps in the middle of the building to the second floor of the building Suite # 215.

Bookstore and Lending Library:

SRF books, videos, and tapes may be purchased in our bookroom after the Sunday. Information on how to apply online for the SRF Lessons, a home-study course containing the essence of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings, are also available. We also welcome members and friends to make use of our lending library.


Sunday service donations to the Nashville Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship help provide funds for the rent of our building, chapel supplies, and other expenses necessary for maintaining and providing improvements to our chapel. In addition, donations made at Special Commemorative Services are sent to the SRF Mother Center to help bring these teachings to other truth-seeking souls. Thank you for you spiritual and material support.


The Nashville Meditation Group of SRF is solely supported by your donations, which are greatly appreciated on so many levels.


·        Donations may be made during Sunday services or mailed to:


Nashville Meditation Group of SRF

4721 Trousdale #215
Nashville, TN 37220 


·        Donations may also be made online via Give Butter with the following link


Volunteer Opportunities:

The Nashville Meditation Group of SRF is supported and maintained entirely by the efforts and energies of our members and friends. Please, contact us via email or after Sunday service, if you are interested in serving in any areas.

To contact Mother Center:

Self-Realization Fellowship
3880 San Rafael Ave
Los Angeles CA, 90065-3298
Phone: (323) 225-2471

Self-Realization Fellowship Web site:




If you would like to receive prayers from Mother Center for yourself or others, please enter your name at 

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Self Realization Fellowship - Nashville Meditation Group